jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Breath-Powered Phone Charger Invented 

A Brazilian inventor has come up with a new gadget that converts your breath into electricity. This means breathing has become a source of renewable energy – at least while you are alive. Joco Paulo Lammoglia, from Rio De Janeiro, won the Red Dot design award for his AIRE device. His invention uses the wind flow created by breathing and changes it into energy that can power mobile phones and iPods. Tiny turbines in the AIRE charger create the electrical power from your breath. The device is worn like a mask and can be used while exercising or even when sleeping. Mr Lammoglia hopes his new creation will help protect the environment.
Lammoglia explained how useful he hopes the AIRE will become. He said: “I hope to bring the concept into production and reduce the carbon footprint. It can be used indoors or outdoors, while you’re sleeping, walking, running or even reading a book.” He also said his invention encouraged people to exercise as well as saving energy and the environment. He explained why he thought the AIRE was so useful, saying: “Though many of our modern gadgets offer benefits, they tend to use a high amount of electrical energy. Harnessing energy from human activities and transforming it into electricity is possible and is a great solution.” The product is not yet on sale but is sure to be a big seller when it does hit the shelves.

The seven Harry Potter novels were sold as e-books for the first time in October.
Author JK Rowling announced the series would also be available as audiobooks through a new website, Pottermore.
The interactive website also features new material which Rowling says she has been "hoarding for years".
"This is such a great way to give something back to the fans who made Harry Potter such a huge success," the author said.

Pottermore went  live on 31 July - Harry Potter's birthday.
Rowling told the BBC that the new material was being released online, rather than in a new book, because she did not have "a new story".
"Most of this writing is material I generated while I was writing the books initially," she said.
"It's background, and lots of details that didn't make it into the book.
"Some of it is new stuff in response to things fans have asked me over the years."
The site, which Rowling said she had been working on for two years, promises to immerse users in the boy wizard's world, offering opportunities for computer gaming, social networking and an online store.

Health campaigners are calling for restrictions on fast food adverts at large sporting events, but would limiting these adverts make any difference to rising levels of obesity?

Latest research suggests that almost a quarter of adults are obese, and campaigners from the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) say obesity is the "single greatest public health threat in the UK."C
Companies like Coca-Cola and McDonald's are being called  to restrict advertising at the Olympics as it "completely sends the wrong message, especially to children," said Prof Terence Stephenson, a spokesman from AoMRC.
When watching a sporting event, background adverts will receive little conscious attention, but "the brain will still process them," said Prof Lavie.
Watching a fast-moving event such as a race presents a high level of information load on the brain. Although attention will be on the race "you will still perceive an advert in the periphery of your vision."
Cadbury, McDonald's and Coca-Cola are all Olympic 2012 sponsors. "Millions of people are going to see an association between these brands and highly successful athletes. Companies wouldn't spend all this money on adverts if they didn't think it would increase their sales," said Prof Stephenson.
Bombarding people with adverts for certain products not only makes individual choice more difficult, but it "builds a society where fast food has become the norm," said Dr Jean Adams, a lecturer in public health at Newcastle University.
Research suggests that children perceive fast food to be less unhealthy when it is associated with sports, added Dr Adams.
It is disappointing that the Olympics still feel the need to be sponsored by these companies.

domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

Bullfighting ban

              Last bullfight in Barcelona                         

Last July a law was passed by the regional government of Catalonia prohibiting bullfighting in Catalonia from 1st January 2012.
 The last bullfight took place in Barcelona. Two of Spain’s most famous bull fighters José Tomás and Sebastián Marín opened the historic occasion which took place in Barcelona’s famous Monumental bull ring.
It was an emotional occasion for those involved with some spectators holding up placards saying ‘we will go on’. Barcelona has a long history of bull fighting dating back centuries - the first ever documented bull fight took place in 1387.
However, opponents to bullfighting, viewed by many as barbaric, celebrated the end of this long tradition in Spain’s second largest city. 

English's opinion on this controversial issue

"Barbaric! How can people enjoy the suffering of the bull - they must be sick."

"It should be banned, along with fox-hunting and hare-coursing."

"How can you call it a sport? - it's just cruel."


I wouldn't like to take part, but I would probably be interested to watch; and I don't see why anyone should stop me.


I saw a bullfight in Madrid and I almost threw up, it was so physically brutal. After the first fight, I got a little used to it. I will never go to another. I've had my cultural education!
I'm against the bullfighting as it's mainly known, for me it's not acceptable to make an animal suffer in this way, keep it closed, in dark rooms, witout anything to eat for days, so when it can go out it's kind of desperate...
To me this has only one name, torture

Can't understand the "art" on it, and I don't enjoy the show at all


Supporters of bullfighting argue that it is a culturally important tradition, while animal rights advocates hold that it is a blood sport resulting in the suffering of bulls and horses.
in my modest point of view,Bullfighting or tauromachy is not a humain act , and this spectacle should be stopped sooner ,, the animal also has its right to live or to be killed nicelly in case of the humain needs .. not for shows and fun.no sense 


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